After stunning the BDBL commentators by reaching the 2018 BDBL World Series, the Miners face the tough task of continuing the winning tradition set by a past owner who turned down front row tickets to the 2018 BDBL World Series. A great deal of that successful past rested on the shoulders of Clayton Kershaw and others who left the team for the free agent market. The Miner front office did not sit on its laurels but made a major off season trade, shipping MVP Charlie Blackmon and others for Freddie Freeman and others. Freeman was recently signed to a 4 year contract, making him the defacto leader of the Joplin organization. Joplin enters the free agent and farm draft with 21.4 million to acquire 18 roster players and only 3 farm players. Speculation runs rampart that new owners with large stashes of cash are ready to spend way above market value which will require Miner management to adjust its acquisition strategy. Coaches for the 2019 season have b...